CIDAUT continues with the dissemination of the advantages of employing the tools of Industry 4.0 [...]
A handful of electric vehicle and automated driving events
Cidaut has participated in EV2017, CIBIM17, 21CMH and LEVS2017 The last quarter of the year [...]
ReFreeDrive, developing new electric motor technologies
ReFreeDrive is our most recently approved H2020 project. With the title “Rare earth free e-Drives [...]
The new, revolutionary technology that can optimize your company's productivity, reduce risks and bring down costs.
Digital twins are an enormous advance in engineering simulation. By using simulation software in conjunction [...]
Remaghic, two years running!
Last September in San Sebastian, the Remaghic Project partners held the 24 month general meeting [...]
CIDAUT participates in the International Course on Energy Production organized by BEST
On September 7th, the CIDAUT Foundation held the session «Generation of Renewable Thermal Energy in [...]
CIDAUT participates very actively in the sessions organized in Expobiomasa 2017
Expobiomasa 2017, the show organized by AVEBIOM (the Spanish Association for the Energy Recycling of [...]
Second Consortium Meeting of NEOHIRE
The second Consortium Meeting of NEOHIRE project (NEOdymium-Iron-Boron base materials, fabrication techniques and recycling solutions [...]
Launch of SAFE STRIP project with the participation of CIDAUT.
Safe Strip is the natural continuation of Safe Spot, where CIDAUT also played an important [...]
The MOVBIO Project for the promotion of energy valorization of pruning biomass starts rolling
The MOVBIO Project, led by the CIDAUT and granted by the INTERREG VA Spain-Portugal [...]
VULKANO project continues with the II General Assembly
The second General Assembly of VULKANO project took place in the city of Celje (Slovenia) [...]
CIDAUT participates in the round table “The future of the automotive sector” organized by Hyundai, Bosch and El Español.
Madrid, 6th July 2017. The digital newspaper El Español, together with Hyundai and Bosch, organized [...]
Project Valorcomp started its journey
The kick-off meeting of project VALORCOMP took place on the 25th of July 2017. This [...]
ALMAGIC project kick-off meeting
The ALMAGIC consortium met in Munich last July 13-14th to kick-off the project. All partners [...]
How can your company maximize precision, cost savings and the security of the ADAS systems?
The manufacturers and suppliers of the automotive industry work at a breakneck pace to [...]
What would happen if an overweight articulated truck crashed against a barrier at 70Kph?
Probably it would cause an accident with not determined results for passenger and other road's [...]
CIDAUT and BASF presented their solutions to meet the next automotive trends
Boecillo (Valladolid, Spain), June 13 2017 CIDAUT Foundation, in conjunction with the chemical giant and [...]
Great participation in the HYACINTH Workshops in Spain
The Hyacinth project comes to an end with two workshops in Spain where CIDAUT participated [...]
CIDAUT Foundation attended the technical workshop on “JTI Clean Sky2: 6th call for proposals” at the Fundación Centro Tecnológico De Miranda De Ebro on 4 May 2017
The aim of the workshop was to provide practical information on the overall functioning of [...]
Final Event Udrive (European Naturalistic Driving Study)
The preliminary results from the 3 year naturalistic driving project have been presented at the [...]
ALIVE project final days
The Aachen Body Engineering Days (ABED), which took place on the 20-21st of September in [...]
Remaghic Mid Term Review and upcoming events
Partners of the Remaghic project met at the European Commission the last 2nd of February [...]
NEOHIRE project kick-off meeting
Last March 8th, the NEOHIRE consortium met in Brussels to kick-off the project. All partners [...]
Ciderplus Energy Box: efficient, smart, connected and renewable energy generation
Ciderplus Energy Box (CEB) was presented in the “Innovation Gallery” of GENERA 2017, the Energy [...]
Hydrogen implementation in the transport sector
A clean revolution is quietly taking place on Europe's roads and hydrogen fuel cells can [...]
HYACINTH-project findings and next steps
HYACINTH Project (Hydrogen acceptance in the transition phase), funded by the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen [...]
VULKANO-project partners met at the First Steering Committee
The first Steering Committee of VULKANO project was held in Zaragoza from the 14th to [...]
Cidaut, Nissan and Renault participate in the meeting “Palencia: Capital of the Electric Vehicle”.
On December 1st, El Norte de Castilla organized a conference to bring the electric vehicle [...]
Successful end of Free-Moby and Plus-Moby projects.
Both European projects have run parallel for three years to balance the vehicle and infrastructure [...]
In mid 2015, CIDAUT started the LIFE-SOUNDLESS project (New Generation of eco-friendly asphalts with recycled [...]
Cidaut supports a FACYL event providing its approach on Circular Economy
Last October 28th, the Automotive Cluster of Castilla y León (FACYL) organized a working day [...]
HYACINTH project held a progress meeting at Aberdeen
The latest HYACINTH progress meeting was held at Aberdeen (UK) on October 5th, 2016. During [...]
Cidaut shows the results of Plus-Moby at LEVS in Barcelona
On the 20th and 21st of September, the first Light Electric Vehicle Summit was held [...]
Cidaut organized a technical workshop on “Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing And Scanning Technologies vs Industry 4.0”
The latest technological developments, hyperconnectivity and the globalization of the economy are creating important challenges [...]
Cidaut takes part at EU MSCA-ETN DEMETER Summer School
H2020 Remaghic project, coordinated by CIDAUT is one of the co-organizers of the event led [...]
ALIVE: invitation to Final Workshop
Global warming concerns have led to the demand for higher energy-efficiency in the automotive industry. [...]
VULKANO Project is getting started
The VULKANO consortium met in Brussels last July 12-13th to kick-off the project. All partners [...]
Progress of HYACINTH Project in summer 2016
HYACINTH Project is gaining knowledge on social acceptance of Fuel Cell and Hydrogen (FCH) applications [...]
NEOHIRE project (H2020): CIDAUT will contribute to reduce the use rare earth elements in the permanent magnets present in wind turbine generators
In mid-July, we received the EC evaluation for NEOHIRE proposal. It was favorably evaluated within [...]
BRACKETWELD project (Clean Sky 2): CIDAUT will contribute to the development of an innovative welding process for the rapid assembly of thermoplastic brackets to thermoset-matrix composite structures
CIDAUT has recently started the BRACKETWELD project, a 3-year Research & Innovation Action launched [...]
The second HYACINTH project meeting and the Mid-Term Review were held in Brussels on 12-13 April 2016
Partners of the HYACINTH project (Hydrogen Acceptance in the Transition Phase) met at the FCH-JU [...]
SafetyCube Plenary Meeting, Barcelona – March 2016
On March 1-3, 2016, CIDAUT attended a Barcelona Plenary Meeting in order to discuss the [...]
MetalMorphosis Project finishes its activity with a successful Final Seminar.
More than 50 experts attended the final event. The main results and conclusions obtained during [...]
Meet CIDAUT at the EU Brokerage Event on KET in Horizon 2020
The German and French National Contact Point (NCP) and Enterprise Europe Network Alsace with the Europe Alsace [...]
The first REMAGHIC General Meeting takes place at CIDAUT facilities (Spain) on 24-25 February 2016
All partners of the REMAGHIC project (except Piaggio and Pininfarina, and the latter joined by [...]
CIDAUT will be at the World Manufacturing Forum in May
Source The World Manufacturing Forum (which is an event funded by the European Union [...]
Cidaut will be a member of the Scientific Reviewing Committee of the First World Light Electric Vehicle Summit (LEVS)
Light electric vehicles are becoming a key actor in the urban sustainable mobility, but nowadays [...]
CIDAUT attended the EU-Brazil Workshop on Advanced Biofuels
The European Commission (EC), The Brazilian Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI), the São [...]
Hipeba Project
HIPEBA (“High Performance Steel for Safer and more Competitive Safety Barriers”) is an EU-funded project [...]
SafetyCube Plenary Meeting, Gothenburg – November 2015
CIDAUT together with other vehicle, infrastructure and behavioral experts attended last SafetyCube Meeting on November [...]
Metalmorphosis' final seminar
The 30 months Metalmorphosis Project is really close to its end. In order to show [...]
Remaghic general meeting
The REMAGHIC project continues its journey. On the 1st of February began the sixth month [...]
VRUITS project is assessing the commercialization of three different projects regarding pedestrians and cyclists
CIDAUT is a member of VRUITS project consortium which, among other activities, is assessing three [...]
CIDAUT: Dissemination session of VRUITS project results.
VRUITS (Improving the Safety and Mobility of Vulnerable Road Users through ITS Applications) is a [...]
CIDAUT at the European Researchers' Night: The X National Congress: “Scientists for a better future”
27/08/2015 by cidaut On Friday 25th of September the Valladolid Science Museum presented the 10th [...]
REMAGHIC project kick-off meeting held in Brussels.
Last September 10th, the REMAGIHC consortium met in Brussels to kick-off the project. All partners [...]
Freemoby Project Second Year Update.
Freemoby project has just passed its second review evaluation by the European Commission. Focused on [...]
ACCUBLADE project (CLEAN SKY): CIDAUT contributes to the validation of Active Gurney Flap systems for rotorcraft blades through innovative research on composites process and tooling design
One of the most challenging areas of research led by the Green Rotorcraft Consortium (GRC) [...]
3, 2, 1… Countdown for EVolution Prototypes Manufacturing
The EVolution Project is nowadays crossing its midterm on its amazing journey. Our itinerary began [...]
CIDAUT in MATCOMP 2015: The XI National Congress on Composite Materials
The XI Spanish National Congress on Composite Materials is organized by King Juan Carlos [...]
REMART: End of the project
Since April 2013, CIDAUT has been coordinating REMART project, carrying out the technical tasks in [...]
CIDAUT on the vehicle Automatic pilot track
Progressive autonomous vehicle functions and levels have a great opportunity to create significant benefits to [...]
LIFE + New Jersey ends, proving that ELTs can improve concrete barrier behavior
LIFE+ New Jersey Project has entered its final stretch, with the installation in a road [...]
ALIVE: achieved one of the main milestones
Since October 2012, CIDAUT has been working in ALIVE project together with other 20 partners [...]
CIDAUT will hold a dissemination event on test performed in Spain for VRUITS project
VRUITS (Improving the Safety and Mobility of Vulnerable Road Users through ITS Applications) is a [...]
CIDAUT attended the Kick off Meeting of the funded by the EC's Horizon 2020 Program SafetyCube project held at Loughborough last May on 19th and 20th
Funded with €5.8m by the EC's Horizon 2020 Programme, and led by Loughborough University, SafetyCube [...]
Cidaut starts REMAGHIC, a H2020 project on the recycling of Rare Earth Elements applied to produce Magnesium alloys
At the end of April, the EC officially communicated Cidaut the outcome of the evaluation [...]
INROADS – Intelligent road studs lighting the way
The INROADS FP7 project led by TRL with seven European partners has developed intelligent road [...]
CLEANSKY: CIDAUT develops an optimized simulation model for the optimization of Liquid Resin Infusion (LRI) processes
One of the aims of Clean Sky is to develop new technologies for green manufacturing [...]
CIDAUT will be at MATCOMP 2015: The XI National Congress on Composite Materials
The XI Spanish National Congress on Composite Materials ( is jointly organized by the King [...]