CIDAUT continues with the dissemination of the interesting opportunities offered by the use of hydrogen technologies in different fields such as aerospace, military land vehicles or in biogas generation facilities.
The 16th International Bioenergy Congress was held in Valladolid on October 3 and 4 together with the Renewable Gas Exhibition, organized by AVEBIOM. Within this CIDAUT congress had the opportunity to present the Colhibri project. This project, approved in the first call for projects PERTE ERHA incentive program 4 of the IDAE, is a research for the development of new systems for the production of electrical and thermal energy based on H2 technologies that constitute a more efficient and cleaner alternative to the current cogenerations based on biogas combustion in combustion engines (RICE), as well as achieving an advantageous solution both in investment costs and operating costs.
On November 7, MFM Academy organized an event at the Getafe Market space entitled “Hydrogen in the aerospace sector”. José Ignacio Domínguez, project manager of the Energy area of CIDAUT, on behalf of AeH2, participated in the table dedicated to the use of hydrogen in mobility, discussing with the rest of the speakers on the current situation and prospects for the use of H2 in mobility in Spain, as well as focusing on the key points to work on to promote the introduction of the use of this decarbonizing energy vector in the transport sector.
Regarding the use of technologies in the Defense sector, CIDAUT had the opportunity to participate in the ), located in Cartagena, during the 2023th, 14th and 15th of November 16. During the presentation, the working approach of the PCVEMI project was presented, which focuses on the development of a propulsion system based on a national fuel cell for use in military land vehicle platforms.