On February 26th, the General Assembly of ECO-GATE Project was held in Naturgy facilities (Madrid), where all the consortium partners showed the progress in the implementation of Natural Gas solutions in transport sector. 12 gas-refueling stations are already working and another 8 will be implemented in the following months. These are aimed at supplying vehicular natural gas in the Atlantic and Mediterranean corridors of the road network of Spain, France, Germany and Portugal.
16 Innovative solutions in supply logistics services, cleaner fuel composition, refueling infrastructure, vehicle and component manufacturers and operational processes have been successfully tested or implemented. CIDAUT innovation is focused on the storage of natural gas on-board at lower pressure than Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), specifically in the adsorbed natural gas storage (ANG). This system stores more energy per unit volume at the same pressure as the storage of compressed natural gas (CNG). ANG allows the use of tanks that work at lower pressure (60 bar), with the advantages that this entails: greater flexibility in the design of the tank, greater formability, lower refueling costs, the possibility of home refueling and greater security.
Laboratory tests have been carried out and the innovation has been implemented in a dual-fuel diesel-natural gas van, as a pilot test within ECO-GATE project. Several tests in the real-scale pilot have already been done with satisfactory results.
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More info about ECOGATE project: https://eco-gate.eu/