It seems obvious that driving automation needs new capabilities from the vehicle, lots of sensors have to be integrated to understand what is happening around, short and long range communication systems have to be developed to understand what is happening a little bit further, but, what about the occupants and their safety?

Within the framework of Integra project, Cidaut is taking care of the occupants and their safety by modifying the design of the vehicle interior in accordance with the new needs. The first step is to know what is happening inside, with a webcam the occupants are recorded and thanks to the artificial intelligence the information is immediately processed to obtain relevant information. The functionalities developed by now include, the recognition of the occupant, the counting of flickers and yawns over time, the inclination of the head, the direction of the glance and the position and distance of the body. By processing all this information it is possible to know the alertness level of the driver and the position of all the occupants.
The alertness level is relevant for both standard and automated driving. In the case of standard driving, the system can detect drowsiness, distraction or illness and alert the driver and/or the rest of the road users of this circumstance. In the case of the automated driving, mainly at level 3, it will be possible to alternate the responsibility of the driving between the vehicle and the driver. When the vehicle needs to take over the driving responsibility to the human, it has to be sure that the driver is ready to assume control of the vehicle, thanks to the application developed it is easy to make this transition in a safe way.
The position of the occupants is also critical for their safety. The high automated levels of driving, mainly 3, 4 and 5, will allow the occupants to take positions inside the vehicle different from standardized ones. In these positions the usual restraint systems are unable to protect the occupants in a proper way. Attending to this, it is necessary to develop new restraint systems suitable for the driving scenarios linked to the automated position and it is also necessary to monitor the occupants position in order to activate the new restraints systems in the most suitable manner attending the kind of collision, the biometric characteristics of the occupant, and the position.
The work driving these results is been performed in INTEGRA project, funded by and CDTI through the Ministry of Science and Innovation in the framework of the funding for Excellence in Research Centers “Cervera”. CER – 2021 1031.