CIDAUT continues its intense activity related to the dissemination of the key role of renewable hydrogen in the decarbonization of all sectors.
At the '17th International Bioenergy Congress: Renewable Gases, the great allies in the decarbonisation of the Spanish economy', which was held on 1 and 2 October 2024 in Valladolid, CIDAUT presented two of the initiatives is working on in relation to renewable hydrogen as a decarbonising energy vector: H2ENRY and AIHRE project.
On the one hand, the Strategic research and transfer program for the promotion of renewable hydrogen as an energy vector for the H2ENRY energy transition, CERVERA Network of Excellence in hydrogen technologies financed by the Center for Technological Development and Innovation (CDTI). In this network, CIDAUT coordinates a group of 5 technology centers (AICIA, EnergyLab, ITE and Leitat) for the development of promising technologies for the production, storage and distribution of renewable hydrogen.
On the other hand, the Interreg AIHRE project 'Analysis and promotion of renewable hydrogen in the POCTEP region', which aims to establish a technological and business network to exploit the potential of renewable hydrogen generation in Spain and Portugal. This network coordinated by CIDAUT, together with Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (CTA), the Universities of Seville, Oporto and Évora, the Instituto Tecnológico de Galicia (ITG), the Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (IPP), the Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering (INEGI) and the National Institute of Aerospace Technology (INTA); will allow to increase the economic potential of the POCTEP region around the renewable hydrogen value chain.
CIDAUT as a relevant actor in the hydrogen sector in Spain participated in the Hydrogen Sector Meeting PMH2, held on Hydrogen Day (8 October 2024) in Madrid. On this day with more than 90 speakers and more than 330 attendees, CIDAUT made a presentation entitled 'R+D+i in hydrogen technologies', to highlight the importance of research and technological development along with innovation to advance in the implementation of hydrogen technologies in Spain.
Closing the battery of events, on October 30th CIDAUT participated in a ThinkTank organized by FACYL – CLUSTER DE AUTOMOCION Y MOBILIDAD DE CASTILLA Y LEON on the key technologies for the transformation of the Automotive and Mobility sector. The objective: to build collaboratively through a dynamic group the technological roadmap of this industry.
The event took place in two parts. Firstly, Renault Group, CARTIF Foundation, mlean and CIDAUT Foundation shared several inspirational pills around the project 'Strategy to enhance the value of the Automotive Ecosystem of Castilla y León to address the Challenges of the Future', a project funded by the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the Junta de Castilla y León. In the case of CIDAUT, the pill had the objective of going into the Decarbonization of the Automotive sector through the energy vector Hydrogen: From synthetic fuels to fuel cells.
Subsequently, the participants worked together in groups to identify the priority technologies in the short, medium and long term, as well as to analyze the challenges associated with their implementation.