Cidaut facilities


Foundation for Research and Development in Transportation and Energy

Cidaut is a Technology Center that generates knowledge and applies research, development and innovation for the competitive improvement of companies and the general benefit of society.
We integrate capabilities, experts and scientific and technological infrastructures that allow us to address the entire value chain of the product or process, developing and transferring the technology to the market with a significant competitive improvement.

Comprehensive Technological Solutions

We provide comprehensive technological solutions for the industry in general, and thanks to the multidisciplinary structure of our work teams, we are capable of applying innovation in each of the processes that precede the appearance of a new product, or the improvement of an existing one. . Always with the flag of its competitive improvement. We act in a coordinated manner from conception, characterization, materials design, simulation or prototype design, to final validation.

We are constituted as a non-profit Foundation, and registered in the National Registry of Technology Centers of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities.

Our value is the innovation that makes the difference in the companies we work with, specifically in the transport, energy and circular economy sectors. We work closely with companies in each sector and we adapt to your demands and singularities.

We have been in the industry for more than thirty years. We have grown together with many of our clients and today we are a reference entity in R&D&I at the national and international level.

The motto “Driver of innovation” reflects our Mission: to be a progress model that energizes the socio-economic environment and enables the development of people capable of generating value for society.

In Cidaut, thanks to the multidisciplinary structure From our work groups, we are capable of applying innovation in each of the processes that precede the appearance of a new product. We act in a coordinated manner from conception, characterization, materials design, simulation, prototype design, to final validation.

To be the Leading Center in Research, Development and Technological Innovation in the Transportation and Energy sector.

  • Initiative, enthusiasm, ambition and leadership.
  • Innovation, creativity and imagination.
  • Team spirit, commitment and loyalty.
  • Confidentiality, adaptation to change and flexibility.
  • Fight for the impossible, be a pioneer and pride in a job well done.

Our figures



80M €

In R&D equipment
and facilities

24,3M €





and technologists








We have sufficient scientific and technological infrastructure to undertake innovation projects in cooperation with companies of any size and strategic need.

We are located in the Boecillo Technology Park and in the Polígono de la Dehesa de la Villa de Mojados where we have the Road Safety and Infrastructure Laboratory.

In total we have seven buildings which total more than Sqm 23.304 built where the necessary technological equipment and facilities are located to remain at the forefront of research in those areas that we have defined of interest, within the transport and energy sectors.

International infrastructure

Our international vocation is materialized in the more than 400 clients for whom we work in 33 countries.

Brief history

The Foundation Cidaut was born on February 2, 1993 under the name of Cidaut Automotive Research and Development Center, with the aim of covering the needs of companies in the automotive sector and enhancing their competitiveness and industrial development. Later, and taking advantage of the knowledge acquired and the synergies of its application to other areas related to the automotive industry, it diversified its activities by expanding them to the aeronautical, railway, energy and environment sectors and others, thus becoming known as Fundación Cidaut, Research Center and Development in Transportation and Energy. Since January 1, 2000, its legal form is that of a private foundation.