The last 14th November 2019, VALORCOMP consortium met in CIDAUT facilities to monitor all its activities before the end of the year. As usual and close to the end of the project, representatives from the entire consortium attended the meeting: Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB, Principal Beneficiary), CIDAUT Foundation, University of Valladolid (UVa), Resíduos do Nordeste (RN) and Nertatec.
The Coordination commission started the meeting with the objective of evaluating common management aspects. The most significant data was the project request extension agreement until mid-2020 with the objective of disseminating the results of the project. For this purpose, two workshops were agreed, one in Valladolid (Spain) in March 2020 and the other in Mirandela (Portugal) organized by Residuos do Nordeste in April 2020. The project is scheduled to close in June 2020 at the facilities of IPB.
Within the Technical commission, the main objective of the meeting was to share the progress in each of the aspects compost use under study in the framework of the project. CIDAUT presented the results obtained in the pelletization and gasification tests in the pilot plant. Pelletization shows very satisfactory results. The gasification results are under evaluation, but a priori it seems that the low quality of the compost causes the gas obtained to have limited applications. Combustion test in updraft boiler are pending.
IPB presented the conclusions of the adsorption process modeling for CO2 separation using activated carbon from activity 2. The results of compost carbonization were also shown using two different techniques: hydrotreatment (HTC) and functional carbonization using TEOS and EDTA. Activity 2 concluded with the advances in the use of compost in construction materials and the results of temperature tests.
Within the framework of agronomic valorization in activity 3, the UVA presented the results of the technical-economic balance of the nutrient extraction process studied. On this activity, IPB showed a final review of the characterization of the leachates obtained in the Residuos do Nordeste plant to be used as fertilizer.
Nertatec presented the tools developed in activity 4. Two simple tools have been developed for the evaluation of compost quality as a fertilizer and as a fuel for energy use based on the characteristics of the compost. Work is being done on these tools in order to show them to the administrations and entities interested in the project workshops that will be held next year.
Finally to conclude the meeting it was made a visit to the combustion test facilities in CIDAUT. This experimental pilot plant will be used to carry out the combustion test for thermal valorization of compost. The purpose of the visit was to show VALORCOMP members the test capabilities of CIDAUT and the facilities for such test.