The first Review Meeting of VULKANO project took place in Zaragoza on 13-14th December 2017 with the presence of the Project Technical Advisor of the European Commission. The meeting gathered more than 30 members from the consortium in order to review the general status of the project after the first eighteen months of execution.
The project has satisfactorily achieved its objectives throughout this time, obtaining useful results:
- Operating conditions of the two demo site furnaces (steel and ceramic sector) and the requirements from the new technology solutions to be implemented at the furnace have been defined.
- Development of high temperature PCM. Laboratory tests have been carried out to compare the results obtained in simulations. Pre-implementation has been performed in a ceramic furnace.
- Compositions of the new refractories blend have been reported. For steel furnace, materials based on alumina are used, while materials based on zirconia have been employed for the ceramic furnace.
- Feasibility of the natural gas substitution by the different syngas sources has been analyzed and CFD simulation of syngas/natural gas mixtures with adapted co-firing burners has been performed.
- The development and implementation of the furnace monitoring and control system has been updated.
- Development and implementation of a flexible holistic in-house predictive tool prioritizing the critical parameters for each sector.
- Technical documentation to start the construction of the replica furnace has been prepared.
- An updated market analysis presentation has been carried out.
As Task leader on WP5.1 “Designing and validating of co-firing systems”, CIDAUT presented to the Project Technical Advisor the results obtained in the feasibility assessment of natural gas substitution by alternative fuels (co-firing) in furnaces. Several syngas streams were considered from biomass gasification and process off-gases from steal sector.
With the results of the assessment, IEn as Task leader on WP5.2, presented the co-firing CFD simulations, jointly undertaken by IEn and CIDAUT for the unmodified burners. A deployment plan to design new adapted burners for an optimal co-firing was also established.
More info:
Keywords: VULKANO, co-firing, syngas, furnaces