CIDAUT Foundation has become one of the headquarters of an OFICINA ACELERA PYME (OAP) chosen by (a public corporate entity belonging to the Ministry of Energy, Tourism and the Digital Agenda –MINETAD-) which depends on the Secretary of State for Information Society and Digital Agenda -SESIAD-) with the aim of promoting the adoption of digital technologies by SMEs, self-employers and entrepreneurs (OAP users) to help their digital transformation, and, with it, the evolution of the economy and society towards a digital environment.

This advanced service is materialized both a physical and virtual space specifically oriented to carrying out support and raising awareness tasks to OAP users about the advantages and innovative methodologies to optimize their businesses operating through the incorporation of the Technologies of the Information and Communications (ICT) in their processes and boosting the data economy and digital content. In this way, the demand for innovative technologies that contribute to improving their productivity will be highly favored.

The ultimate goal is to move towards a new models of economic growth that makes it possible:  the creation of new high quality employments, the maintenance of the current businesses, and the development of new companies/businesses from local entrepreneurs. In the same way, it’s also an objective to encourage women’s digital fluency (understood as the good use and utilization of the technology to acquire more knowledge, be more effective and be better connected in the day-to-day tasks) and to allow a faster reduction of the existing gender gap in companies of our country. These actions cover a large number of technological solutions aim at helping OAP users to advance in their digital transformation processes. Specific attention will be given to: productivity solutions (ERP); e-commerce solutions; customer management solutions (CRM); actions to modernize the business IT infrastructure; cybersecurity solutions; productivity and teleworking solutions; resources to promote digital learning and training;  new digital environments solutions; and, updated information on existing financing instruments on the local, regional and national maps for actions in digitization and industry 4.0.

This action will remain in force until April 2023. It´s co-financed by (within the Acelera Pyme Program to promote the adoption of technologies by the Spanish companies -including newly created ones-, especially Small and Medium-sized Companies –SMEs-, self-employers and entrepreneurs) and by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) within the framework of Spain’s Multiregional Operational Program FEDER 2014-2020 (POPE) under the slogan “A way to make Europe“.