On March 26th, Cidaut had the opportunity to participate in the workshop «Lean & Learn” about applying Lean Concepts in Project Management
It was organized by the Association for Organizational Learning SoL Spain (www.solspain.org). SoL Spain, is [...]
Valladolid has launched the world’s first smart pedestrian crossing
Maybe some of you have already seen it on the media, but for those still [...]
WASIS: Vibro-acoustic characterisation of the CFRP fuselage section
As one of the last activities carried out within the WASIS FP7 Project, Cidaut performed [...]
Advanced Composite Integrated Skin Panel Structural Testing – Results from Clean Sky ACID Project
Stiffened panels are required in structures which can be obtained by different processes. They can [...]
On the 24th of March, CIDAUT will hold an Exploitation Strategy Seminar in the frame of METALMORPHOSIS FP7 European Project
In a few weeks, the nine partners of METALMORPHOSIS will meet to celebrate the forth [...]
LIFE+ New Jersey Project event in Brussels: Promoting Sustainable Infrastructure in EU Regions
On March 3rd, a diffusion event organized by the European Road Federation about works carried out [...]
Brussels (Belgium), 7 November 2014 The project ACOUTRAIN has come to its end, and its final [...]
Final workshop of Cenit TARGET at AIRBUS
On December 5th, the final workshop of the Cenit TARGET project was held at AIRBUS [...]
Final Event for the Green eMotion Project to be held in Brussels February 2015
The Green eMotion project is coming to its end next February. After four years of [...]
Free-Moby’s First Review Meeting
The first review meeting of Free-Moby project was held last December in Brussels. Free-Moby is [...]
HYACINTH (HYdrogen ACceptance IN the Transition pHase)
The project HYACINTH of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking was launched last September. [...]
RESTRAIL FINAL CONFERENCE, 18th September, 2014. Paris, UIC Headquarters
The final conference of the European RESTRAIL project (Reduction of Suicides and Trespasses on Railway [...]
HITECO Final Workshop in ENEA facilities in Rome. Results and demonstration event
The HITECO project is close to its end. Last 30th October the final workshop was [...]
ACOUTRAIN Final Conference, 7th November 2014
ACOUTRAIN Final Conference: “Virtual certification of acoustic performance for rolling stock” Brussels (Belgium), 7th November [...]
Green eMotion conference showcases an EU-wide interoperable electromobility system
The EU’s flagship electromobility project, Green eMotion, has organised for the first time an electric [...]
ILLUMETRIC presented in the United Kingdom
The system named as “ILLUMETRIC”, aimed to assess street lighting facilities, was presented in September [...]
CIDAUT and Evolution: a night at the museum
On September 26th, CIDAUT and the FP7 funded EVolution project were involved in the European [...]
We are Lean!
CIDAUT is committed to continuously improve its processes, and its key process, the development of [...]
The European FP7 Project “SEEDS” Facing Its Final
Self-Learning Energy Efficient builDings and open Spaces (SEEDS) is a Research project co-funded by the [...]
CIDAUT Develops an Accurate Mould Design Methodology for Composite Parts Through the Simulation of Process-Induced Distortions
Within the scope of the Cleansky Programme, CIDAUT leads a research project aimed at the [...]
Nemesis, paving the way to Aircraft Recycling
Since January 2013 CIDAUT has been working on the NEMESIS project, entitled «New Trends and [...]
E-VECTOORC dissemination event at the Heritage Motor Centre, Gaydon (UK)
The last dissemination event of the E-VECTOORC project was hosted in the Heritage Motor Center [...]
Wasis at the European Congress on Composite Materials
Wasis took part last 25th June in Seville to the internationally recognised 16th European Congress [...]
New Jersey project ongoing work
Jersey project (http://www.lifeproject-newjersey.com/) is a Life+ project which main objective is to demonstrate and validate [...]
Cidaut was exhibiting at the European Automotive Testing Expo in Stuttgart
One more year, Cidaut was exhibiting at the European Automotive Testing Expo, which took place [...]
The first urban road restraint system, designed for protecting pedestrians and cyclists is installed
With the aim of mitigating consequences of a possible run-off accident of a motor vehicle [...]
Join us in Brussels next September 18th for a demonstration on EV interoperability!
The Green eMotion project is part of the European Green Cars Initiative (EGCI) that was [...]
Cidersol Tecnología Solar: Good prospects for a new solar heating generation
Have you ever felt the sun heat coming on your body while having a [...]