The IV Energy Engineering Congress (iENER) organized by the AEE Spain Chapter took place on April 20 and 21 in Valencia. After the success of the first three editions, iENER has become an event of national and international importance for energy professionals where the top experts meet and assess the «general picture», new technologies, regulatory developments and current trends in the energy sector.
Taking advantage of this forum in the energy sector, José Ignacio Domínguez Carrero, head of CIDAUT Energy projects, showed the advantages of using ammonia as a carrier of renewable hydrogen to promote the decarbonization of the economy.

CIDAUT is currently working on several projects related to the use of renewable ammonia. Among these projects, the collaboration with REDEXIS in the ZEPPELIN[1] project stands out. CIDAUT participates in the research of alternative processes for storing green hydrogen in the form of ammonia carrying out a comparative study with other forms of hydrogen storage and dimensioning a process of storage of renewable hydrogen in the form of ammonia adapted to the fixed production and use needs.
Within the HYDROMAR[2] project, CIDAUT participates in industrial research on the logistics chain of maritime transport of hydrogen in different formats, including ammonia. Finally, CIDAUT is part of the NEWBUNKER2 project in which where it is in charge of the analysis of the state of the art in maritime propulsion systems with alternative fuels to conventional fuels, such as ammonia and hydrogen, identifying the different supply modalities (bunkering) of these fuels depending on the storage system and power generation system installed on board..
[1] This project, with the file number MIG-20211076, has been subsidized by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI), within the framework of the 2021 call for the MISIONES SCIENCE AND INNOVATION Program (Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan), and has the support of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The aid granted to the project is financed by the European Union through the Next GenerationEU Fund.
[2] This project has been supported by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the call for Innovative Business Groups (AEI).